Paul Mellon Professor of American History Emeritus at the University of Cambridge
Historian of the twentieth- and twenty-first century United States speaking and writing on issues of American politics, political economy, and American peoplehood
Historical writing
“Race, Ethnicity, and Democracy in the Twentieth Century” | 2021
co-authored with Saul Dubow, in Eugenio Biagini and Gary Gerstle, eds., A Cultural History of Democracy in the Modern Age (Bloomsbury, 2021)
“Spaces of Exception in American History” | 2020
co-authored with Desmond King, in Gary Gerstle and Joel Isaac, eds., States of Exception in American History (University of Chicago Press, 2020), 313-40
“America’s Neoliberal Order” | 2019
in Gary Gerstle, Nelson Lichtenstein, and Alice O’Connor, eds., Beyond the New Deal Order: U.S. Politics from the Great Depression to the Great Recession (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019), 257-278
“The Rise and Fall (?) of America’s Neoliberal Order” | 2018
“Democracy and Money in America: An Intimate History” | 2018
“Civic Ideals, Race, and Nation in the Age of Obama” | 2018
“The Age of Obama, 2000-2016” | 2017
“Forward” | 2017
to Many Voices, One Nation: Material Culture Reflections on Race and Migration to the United States, edited by Maraget Salazar-Porzio and Joan Fragaszy Troyano with Lauren Safranek (Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, 2017), 3-9.
“The Civil War and Statebuilding: A Reconsideration” | 2017
“The Reach and Limits of the Liberal Consensus” | 2017
“Inclusion, Exclusion, and American Nationality” | 2016
“The Contradictory Character of American Nationality: A Historical Perspective” | 2015
“Does Democracy Have a Future?” | 2014
"Acquiescence or Transformation? Divergent Paths of Political Incorporation in America" | 2013
"Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Immigrant Political Incorporation: The American Experience" | 2010
"Minorities, Multiculturalism, and the Presidency of George W. Bush" | 2010
"A State Both Strong and Weak" | 2010
"The Resilient Power of the States Across the Long Nineteenth Century: An Inquiry into a Pattern of American Governance" | 2010
"Hoe Amerika omgaat met zijn immigranten: Het verleden, het heden en de toekomst" | 2009
In Frans Becker, Menno Hurenkamp, and Michael Kazin, eds., Op zoek naar progressief Amerika (Amsterdam: Mets and Schilt Publishers, 2007), 112–127. Published in English as “America’s Encounter with Immigrants,” in Michael Kazin, ed., In Search of Progressive America (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008), 37–53. Translated into French as “L’Amérique rencontre les immigrants: passé, présent, futur” for a special edition of Les Cahiers d’Histoire (September 2009). (PDFs)
"Race and Nation in the Thought and Politics of Woodrow Wilson" | 2009
"Race and Nation in the United States, Cuba, and Mexico, 1880–1940" | 2008
"The Political Incorporation of Immigrant Groups: A Historical Perspective on the American Experience" | 2006
"In the Shadow of Vietnam: Liberal Nationalism and the Problem of War" | 2006
In Michael Kazin and Joseph McCartin, eds., Americanism: New Perspectives on the History of an Ideal (University of North Carolina, 2006), 128–152; translated into Portuguese as “Na sombra do Vietna: o nacionalismo liberal e o problema da guerra,” Tempo 25 (July–December 2008), 47–74. (PDF)
"The Immigrant as Threat to American Security: A Historical Perspective" | 2004
In John Tirman, ed., The Maze of Fear: Security and Migration after 9/11 (The New Press, 2004), 87–108; translated as “L’immigrant, une menace pour la securite americaine,” and anthologized in Pietro Causarano, et al., Le XX siecle des guerres (Paris: Les Editions de l’Atelier, 2004), 256–272. A revised and updated version of this essay appeared in Elliott R. Barkan, Hasia Diner, and Alan M. Kraut, eds., From Arrival to Incorporation: Migrants to the U.S. in a Global Era (NYU Press, 2008), 217–245. (PDF)
"Immigration and Ethnicity in the American Century" | 2000
"Theodore Roosevelt and the Divided Character of American Nationalism" | 2000
"Liberty, Coercion, and the Making of Americans" | 1997
Journal of American History 84 (September 1997), 524–558; with responses from David Hollinger and Donna Gabaccia, and a rejoinder, “The Power of Nations,” Journal of American History 84 (Sept. 1997), 576–80, from Gerstle. Anthologized in Charles Hirschman, Philip Kasinitz, and Josh DeWind, eds., The Handbook of International Migration: The American Experience (Russell Sage, 1999), 275–94. Translated and reprinted as “Libertad y coaccion en la conformacion de la nacion norte Americana,” in Desarrollo Económico: Revista de Ciencias Sociales 40 (July–September, 2000), 317–48. (PDF)
"Race and the Myth of the Liberal Consensus" | 1995
"The Protean Character of American Liberalism" | 1995
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